Proyek Kreatif

Wadah aspirasi dan kreativitas warga RW 04 Malaka Jaya.

Inisiatif Warga

Inisiatif ini bertujuan untuk mengumpulkan ide-ide kreatif dari warga, mendukung kolaborasi, dan meningkatkan partisipasi dalam pengembangan lingkungan RW 04 Malaka Jaya.

Kegiatan Bersama

Kegiatan bersama akan diadakan untuk memperkuat kerukunan dan kebersamaan antar warga, serta menciptakan proyek yang bermanfaat bagi komunitas di RW 04 Malaka Jaya.

Galeri Kreatifitas

Temukan aspirasi dan karya warga RW 04 Malaka Jaya.

A group of people are gathered inside a room with muted light filtering through a window. A person wearing a face mask and a red jacket sits on a plastic chair while interacting with a seated woman. Other individuals in the room are engaged in conversations and appear to be involved in a community activity. The walls are bare and some writing is visible. The setting gives the impression of an informal communal space.
A group of people are gathered inside a room with muted light filtering through a window. A person wearing a face mask and a red jacket sits on a plastic chair while interacting with a seated woman. Other individuals in the room are engaged in conversations and appear to be involved in a community activity. The walls are bare and some writing is visible. The setting gives the impression of an informal communal space.